Sunday, January 23, 2005


i need a breather.

work has been absolutely overwhelming. i am overwhelmed. stressed to the max. just think, i was at home, and before going online and chit chatting with friends, what did i do? i went and checked the bank balance for work. now ain't that grand?

and now am online with one of my friends, tropa. hay. almost all of us are in the workforce. oh wow. that is just crazy. growing up. as kids, we were always out in the street, whether its playing patintero, pico, taguan, langit lupa, down to pretending to be bioman, shaider, voltes v. oh wow, the list goes on. then getting older, high school, with its fair share of broken hearts, dreaming, wishing. then college. haha. now that was crazy. thesis, pimples, bf, gf, and all that. then leaving. there it was, after a while i guess one of us was really going. in our case, i was first. at first it was for about a year and a half, and then back, and then now it's a bit more permanent.

on september it will be three years since i left. long long time ago. when am i going back? oh. i don't know. i don't know. that's my answer. all the time. sigh.

maybe someday. maybe i don't want to because i'm not ready. maybe. just maybe deep inside there's that feeling that maybe i won't be me.


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