Monday, March 06, 2006

the LAST look. work.

yes, i have been doing some of that lately. and then some more.

see, i am leaving my present job, a job that i've been in for almost 3 years. it's strange the way we appreciate the little things, the little kind thoughts that we were told, good company, good bosses. and yet, though we are reluctant, we still go on. we leave it all behind. in my case, maybe i won't leave it behind, because maybe someday i will go back to it, someday soon, or some day. because i want to. but right now i have to leave. i need to.

as i look back, the past few years have been a wonderful opportunity, and i have certainly learned a lot, but most of all, i learned what it was really like to be part of a business that had all different races/nationalities.

i felt what it was like when people are talking right in front of me and i have absolutely NO idea as to what is being said, but i know that whatever it is, had something to do with me. and then of course, when other people would talk and they never knew that i understood what they were saying, completely oblivious to the fact that hey, i could really understand, so, ah, sweet victory, when once, i had the chance to say something to them in filipino, and the stunned silence as well as the shocked look on their faces that followed. sweet.

from the time when the days seem to be a blur because of all the things i had to do. the time i was being trained, when i was training someone else myself. hey, i did it all. but right now it's time to move. so i deal a last glance, a last look. and off to work i go.


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