Sunday, March 06, 2005

lately, i've been dreaming...

i have been proposed to the 3rd time this morning - IN MY DREAM! As I lay there in my semiconcious, somnambulistic state, this time a guy i know, i actually know was the one that proposed. and i decided, i have really had enough of these dreams. CSi guy, faceless human, and then him. waking life seems to me cramped with mundane everyday things, and yet my dreams have been anything but ordinary. but, operating on the fact that dreams are indeed an extension of what may have happened during the day, well, it seems there is a far more subliminal context in these.

but oh well, subliminal or not, i wake up with a racing heart, and an almost undeniable feeling of want. and then i wake up to reality.

dream goes this way:

1st: clifftop. billowing white chiffon. white chairs. garden. flowers. guests. someone else getting married. then announces that they will not get married. then i was standing there and then just as suddenly csi guy was there. round stone. a yes. sister coleman - cellphone call. guests. Seal/s. wait. then go.

2nd: in a window. waiting. faceless guy. ring. wax paper. opened. heart shaped. no stone. ask. heart is mine. round stone? tears. in then end, a heart.

3rd: serial killer looking for someone. always there. can't escape. me. always me. somewhere along the line, HE comes along. a ring. a kiss. then killer found me. a knife. and then the memory of HE.

that is it. and you know what i don't get, is why? especially the latest one.



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