Thursday, September 22, 2005

can you hear me now?

no, it's not just a cellphone commercial. it's what happens when you think someone is listening to you when really, they're NOT. and i hate that.

the sounds "mmm, yeah!", or "uh-huh", or "right". and omg when someone actually maintains a silence wherein you think they really ARE listening, and then out of the blue, they would say something entirely out of the context, and not even about whatever the heck i was telling said individual, but about that individual's life. urgh. it's frustrating. after that happens, i am no longer interested in the conversation, i become just a hearer. uttering reply after reply, giving nice little conversation points. all right, gotta go, i say. and then such individual tells me no, don't put down the phone as yet. and what? wow. sometimes i think, what? do i have to spell it out for you? sigh.

manners, manners.


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