Saturday, October 08, 2005

don't settle

dulce and jonathan

weddings have their own allure. the gown, the blushing bride, the handsome groom, the guests, the wedding day, and the mad dash to get there. it is always fun, exciting, and v v emotional. after all, it is a milestone. a whole lot of lasts, and a whole lot of firsts. ah, weddings.

every wedding that i have gone to, well, on every one of them, somebody said, spoke, sang, alluded to, gestured, etc. something of which i could not entirely, nor readily believe in myself. i being a BIT cynical when it comes to dealing with ME. admittedly it is entirely my fault. of course.

the groom said yesterday, "at each and every wedding, most of the single people wonder, 'so, when is it MY turn?' (as a side comment, he said, "after all, i was single only yesterday")". A sort of unmitigated question brought on by what had just occured - re: said wedding. then he says, what i have learned is this: "don't settle". then loretta nudges me and says, you hear that? don't just settle. what do i say to that? nothing. why? because there is nothing to say. that was just it, and i got it. don't settle.

so for now, i will always be the guest, not the bride.



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