Friday, November 18, 2005


(on the defensive) is it my fault if i can google you? i just did. never even knew you were google-able. then found you on friendster. i am SO turning into an online stalker. NOT. well, there you were. i found you. there's 4 people that know i found you, most of them i would think do not even really read my blog. definitely advantageous.

you write poems. you race/d motorbikes. you were/are a teacher. you were a seminarian. you are a writer. you were and are a lot of things, but most of all, you are just you. and now you are in love. what was it u said? - "4 year relationship that can only keep on getting better." hey, can't say the same for myself.

gosh. he was my first crush. haha. so there, now you guys know. yesterday morning i just googled him. there is a rational explanation as to how and why i went about that google-ing him. but other people would say otherwise.

he's in there somewhere =): (ok, ok, i took off the picture - 9/14/07)


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