Thursday, May 05, 2005

super highway

so, i was at the bus, and normally what you would hear in there are people speaking in spanish (with each other). now, when a phone rings, most of the time, conversation is carried out in english. but, once in a while, i chance upon a bus containing filipinos, so conversations are carried out taglish, tagalog, or their provincial dialect.

so, yesterday, there i was sitting. my cellphone a sentinel hanging from my neck blink, blink. and this guy's phone rings. he speaks in his dialect and in tagalog. and then he said it. superhighway. wow. it's been so long since i've heard that word. it seemed alien, and yet familiar. and i smiled. and i go "astig. been so long. oo nga naman superhighway." and the memories kept rushing in.

so, thank you, "the guy" thanks for letting me remember again.


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