Thursday, September 15, 2005

brown eyed girl

Brown Eyed Girl
Van Morrison

Hey, where did we go
Days when the rains came
Down in the hollow
Playing a new game
Laughing and a runnin', hey hey
Skipping and a jumpin'
In the misty morning fog with
Our hearts a thumpin' and you
My brown eyed girl
And you, my brown eyed girl

Oh what ever happened
The Tuesday went so slow
Going down the "Old Man"
With a transistor radio
Standing in the sunlight laughing
Hiding behind the rainbows wall
Slipping and a sliding
All along the waterfall with you
My brown eyed girl
You, my brown eyed girl

*Do you remember when
We used to sing
Sha la la la la la la la la la la de da
Just like that

So hard to find my way
Now that I'm all on my own
I saw you just the other day
My you have grown
Cast my memory back there lord
Sometimes I'm overcome thinkin' about it
Laughin and a runnin hey, hey
Behind the stadium with you
My brown eyed girl
And you, my brown eyed girl

(Repeat *)

There I was minding my own business at the red line. Then this guy starts to sing. The drone of the passing of the train over its tracks mostly drowned out his voice. And I tuned it out. Then he came over to our side. Tuned his guitar, and began playing. Soon as I heard the first few strums, I was about ready to sing with him. "Brown Eyed Girl". sigh. That set off my day.



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