Friday, May 20, 2005

user friendly.

well, in my case, this is not with regard to computers or any other technological gadgetry, but, it does have everything to do with people.

you know how it irks you when a someone you consider a friend would just give you a buzz, or a ring, or whatever just because they need something from you really bad? hey, i know i am not alone in that, but it just is so irksome, irritating, like a persistent bug zinging near your ear. these people to me, are the user friendlies.

so yesterday i got to talking with a friend about these "user friendlies", and well, we tried to put it in context, if you need help from a friend, and have not talked to them in a while, just called them, and go beat around the bush before asking for help, then that is considered being "user friendly." his was, hey, if you called, it's been awhile and you need something, go out and say it that instant rather than wait and say, "oh yeah, and i also called because...."

ranting. because a user friendly friend of mine calls and promises this and that, but never delivers. what the heck is that? and stupid fool that i am, i'm like, yeah, and yeah, and this and that. i think that this is it. the end. she calls and says "sorry for bothering you, but i need a huge favor....." this is the last, and the favor would be pretty huge. and then little chit chat without heart.

for the user friendly:
i laugh and talk at the right time
civil i am being, biding my time
not a true friend u turned out to be
just one that is user friendly.


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