Thursday, June 23, 2005

florida trip

this was my beach when i went to florida:

hahaha. well, what can i say? i had too much business to take care of. luckily my tita had a pool. which was cool, which is all i can say for my paranoia of living creatures lurking beneath the pool, and yes, i do periodically, what say you, a lap each time, get out of the pool, walk around to make sure nothing is in ther with me, dive back in, do a lap, out, check (oh, the wonders of my imagination). not to mention the bugs that i had to clean out. yes, it was raining, and raining, off and on. and i was driving. driving all the time. so....

so now this is me in an attempt to get at least a shot of the beach:

daybreak. ah, it was so quiet. sitting there by the beach, scanning the horizon for a dorsal fin, a jumping fish, or i may even be able to chance upon a dolphin. but not... so on to the airport. fly. fly. fly.

denver, colorado. a stop over. as i was busily trying to figure out which song i wanted to play first on my iRiver. he comes along. walking nonchalantly. and all i could think was, duh. i was dumbfounded. i admit to that. he looked so like dominic monaghan, only more handsome (for those of you who watched LOTR he was Merry the hobbit, for those who watch LOST , he's Charlie, the rocker). well, in this case, this guy looked to be like Charlie, the rocker at lost. And wonder of all wonders, Daniel is in a band. and I just looked. after that I never knew what played next. I just didn't care.

And then, teehee, they called in the parents with kids, people who are disabled and those who need assistance, and the members. so glad that i am. hehe. so i went and sat. Seat 2A, a window seat. And so the plane was loading. And then after a while, there was a little break in loading. it appears that mr. rockstar's seat was 3A. A window seat. Right behind me. BUT, this other guy took his seat. I mean, how can you mistake 2B for 3A??? So, what the heck, the flight attendant wanted other guy to move, and i was watching them with fascination. haha. yeah, right. more like looking at mr. rockstar. but mr. rockstar says, no, it's okay, i'll just sit here. and OMG. i teared my eyes away from his face, and looked out the window, the reason being, i felt blood rushing to my head, and i felt the hot blush creeping up from my neck. i look like a burnt tomato. wahaha. as my brother says, look, you're getting darker... (lol) so, i lowered the armrest, and voila! he plopped down right. beside. me. OMG. pretty soon the flight was on its way. he had a little yellow notepad. he was left handed (sigh.). he writes like a boy. his pen was red. it was marked colorado. and he was writing down sort of like a new crew's rules and regulations thing. and numbers of different people. haha. and what was so interesting is that right beside him, i was furiously writing in my journal as well. OMG. in Filipino. So that he would not understand it for one bit. Ah, to rack my brain for the perfect words, and to not come out with any.

There I was, and there he was. And then there he was. Sleeping. And I wrote and wrote. And then I looked at him, and did say he only looks like dominic monaghan, but he is not dominic monaghan. good. so what's his name? i didn't know. he was so handsome. :) and then i had to go to the restroom. right. window, middle seat, and aisle. yes, i have to traverse that. and of course there was no space. and both my seatmates were asleep. so i tapped rocker once. nothing. another time, a bit harder. nothing. and then took a deep breath and tapped him on the shoulder twice. he woke up. oh my gosh. those eyes. i said i'm sorry, but he said, no, that's ok, that's fine, and he proceeded to wake up aisle man. hehe. so we all got out and the old lady that was in the aisle next to us (aisle man's wife) was looking at me and smiling. i guess i was still red. haha. no i don't guess, i could feel myself still blushing. then back to watching him. haha. i saw him write his name. Daniel C. then we landed in LA. Ah, home for the moment. as soon as phones were allowed on, i saw my messages and since my pen was down in my bag somewhere, i borrowed his. no, not an excuse. but i really needed it. then i dropped the paper i wrote it on, stooped down to see that i dropped my boarding pass (as a souvenir), too. so i grabbed both, and headed out the door. And oh, when i looked to see the boarding pass, it was his. So that's how I found out his name. And that's how i found tha pic of him. But, I had another picture, deleted it, only to find the next day that he was gone from the band, and that picture that i deleted was gone forever. sigh. oh well. at least i got to see my rocker. stop.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

fire, fire burning bright

June 9th, 2005 was when this happened, the fire alarms in our building were not working. ugh. as i was getting ready to sleep i asked my brother, do you smell smoke? he said no. so i said, u know what, let me just o outside and see what's going on... lo and behold! the apartment manager was there fiddling with the fire alarm, which aparrently didn't work, he waved for me to get out. so i roused my brother and prepared only the important stuff. my stuff. i could not find my mom's and brother's papers, so what the heck? we were the first ones out. the others were roused with quick, loud raps on their doors. 4 fire trucks, one paramedic unit. that's what was there. and it was the wiring that was awry.

ha. now i know where everything is. the more important things. pays to be ready.

Monday, June 13, 2005

the heat is on in saigon, or in my case, largo

largo, florida. 3:07 pm eastern time

ah, it is so hot and humid. inside my uncle's office, even worse. the heat is oppressive and it makes me itch. i am tired, but i am here. come to think of it, i have not even gone to the beach. ah, vanina. but there are more important things. perhaps tomorrow, when all will be as they will be.

my trip has not been in vain. i am calm. to be reasoned with, but inside the turmoil in my mind rages, non-stop. so it is and so it will be. but they will never know. they will never know.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Denver, Colorado

*** image taken @ DIA's internet access - "shibby"

All by myself again. In Colorado. En route to Florida. Great. I hope everything works out. We need to finish this. I just hope.